Yep. That's the one. And I do know full well that 2010 started 25 days ago. But I'd like to ride the Japanese tradition that dictates greeting people with "Happy New Year" the first time you meet them after the new year starts. I've explained this custom to various people and received some smart a@#$% responses, like, "what if you don't see someone until December 31st, are you still going to say it?!"
Ha. I don't know that there is a cut off for when you give up on saying happy new year because you are too far removed from January 1st. I'm thinking the end of January sounds reasonable.
Which means it is OK for me to kick off my blogging for 2010 here and now, better on January 25th than December 31st, right?!
And now that it's a new year, I probably need a new focus for this blog. I still want it to be about cooking, baking and food, but I'm not at all confident in my ability to report daily on what we had for dinner.

The least I can do with this space is show you what a cute kitchen helper I have...if anyone is still reading this (Laurs? Mom? Grandma?) and has ideas/feedback about my new but still nebulous focus, please make a comment. Thanks!
you can tell the smart ass people that you are simply early for Chinese New Year. and Rosh Hashanah isn't until September.
i don't think you need a "new" focus; your honest reportage of meals eaten by a family equally comfortable with natto and pizza is great.
I agree wholeheartedly with Erika. I LOVE hearing what you eat for dinner everyday even though it mostly just makes me depressed that my kids are so picky.
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