12 February 2009


After the exceeding amount of cooking I did the last two days, I was reluctant to set foot in the kitchen today. Thankfully, Aogu was working at home so I didn't have to pack him a lunch. Furthermore, Izumi and I didn't have CBS (because of Lincoln's birthday; hey, this is Illinois so the Chicago Public Schools are off, which means CBS is too), which meant that I was also off the hook for making her a lunch.

We were invited to a Valentine's Day party at Tara M.'s house this afternoon, and she upped the ante this year and kindly served us some
which I decided should be dinner. I was going to have it just be the kids' dinner, but I was weak and ended up helping myself.

It wasn't until we got home, the kids went to bed and I was throwing something together for Aogu that I realized: I actually ate pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner today (the leftovers from Graziano's and the aforementioned party pizza). No wonder I wasn't feeling very well! And no wonder the

*white rice
*gyoza (potstickers from the freezer)
*sliced avocado

that Aogu had looked infinitely better than anything I'd had all day! We'll see if I can get back in the groove tomorrow...

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