06 March 2009

Intervention Let Down

I'm a hypocrite.

After I intervened so that Jess wouldn't have to eat a Big Mac a mere 24 hours ago, Aogu and I both had Wendy's for dinner tonight. Yuck, mostly. Actually, the too salty fries and the too squishy bun on the bacon cheeseburger were disappointing, but the Spicy Chicken Go Wrap was OK. Am I a pig for having three items from the value menu?

In my defense, Koji was invited to play at Takeru's house with just about everyone from his school this afternoon/tonight. They were going to order pizza--which might not have been better for me since I've been on such a pizza overload--but I had to leave for a baby shower before the pizza arrived.

So in order to put some dinner in my stomach before arriving at a baby shower that promised desserts, and considering my three dollar budget, Wendy's it was.

I didn't know until later that when Aogu was driving from work to Takeru's house to pick the kids up that he also stopped at Wendy's...

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